
Saturday, October 3, 2015

Prepping for Huricane Joaquin

A busy few days here in St Michaels as we were under the threat from Huricane Joaquin as you can see from the scary track to the left.

While it looks like the storm will head out to sea it pays to play it safe.  I spent the past few days boarding up the house and moving the sail boat to a safe anchorage in a creek.

We still have heavy rain (up to 8 inches today) and 40 knot winds but at least it isn't a Huricane!.  Hopefully I'll get some painting in later today.


  1. A good time to paint rather than sail!
    Stay safe!

  2. Let's hope it passes you by, good luck!

  3. Dog those hatches down - best of luck to all!

  4. Hope it passes you by, fingers crossed!

  5. Hoping for a safe passage for you and your crew. If not then take your loved ones and move to higher ground.

    As a crazyteenager with a Sunfish, a near miss hurricane was an opportunity not to be missed. It gave us the best sailing winds ever!

  6. Thanks for the comments - I think the storm is headed well out to sea but with these things it's better safe than sorry

    There'll be great winds for the next few days so a few sails are in order! I'm with Peter on that one!

  7. Look after yourself. Still waiting to hear from my sister in law in SC but heard they gut rain in buckets there.

  8. Go sailing - 3rd reef required though I think! :o))
