
Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Fall-In 2015 Con Report Part 3: The Loot

 The last of my Fall-In 2015 reports - what the heck did I buy?  Actually it's a pretty limited haul and shows my current leaning towards making terrain over painting mini's.

Only two miniatures were purchased - a unit of 15mm Swedish Reiters (cavalry) for my By Fire and Sword collection and a Armored War Elephant in 28mm from Sgt Major Miniatures.  The rest if the items are terrain related including more crops and scenery details.

I also picked up an armored weathering kit just to try and refresh my vehicle painting style.

I just didn't have a need for a lot of new miniatures.  I've got 3 boxes and a good number of metal Perry's already in "inventory" for my next AWI project.  The only thing I really "need" (OK, I'm being generous to the definition of Need) is a few more British infantry and cavalry units for my Napoleonic collection.  also maybe some Spanish and Portuguese also.....

Hmmm, maybe this meme is still accurate.


  1. Darn it - forgot to get myself one of those weathering kits.
    Oh well, most of my money was spent for me on X-Wing goodies anyway!

    Nice goodies. I think what you 'need' is a whole new project :-)

  2. I "liberated" the meme from a google image search. I am not capable of such creativity!
