
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Fall-In is just a few days away!

The Fall-In gaming convention is just a few days away and I'll be attending all three days and I'm very much looking forward to it.  The theme of this year's con is the 100 days campaign.

To be honest, I was originally planning on skipping this one but then heard that most of my gaming friends were going and also Paul of "the Man Cave" fame would be in attendance.  So I'm off to join the herd for several days of gaming geekery.

The one thing I couldn't do is stay at the decrepit Host again so I've got nicer accommodations and will figure out how to make that work.

My schedule is fairly packed - I'm playing in the FOW doubles tournament on Friday with Luke and then plan on playing a bunch of X-Wing with the WWPD crew and their re-ignited passion for the game.  I've also got a few games scheduled in with Paul.  All-in-all it will be a fun three days.


  1. Well I am excited to be meeting Wargaming Royalty such as yourself and it will be my first US war-game show too! We are staying elsewhere too, but its only a short walk away.

    REALLY looking forward to it!

  2. Sounds like you have a great weekend planned.
