
Tuesday, January 5, 2016

AHPC VI Enteries 5 & 6

 Christmas vacation week was very productive painting wise as I completed 79 28mm infantry figures, 1 mounted leader and three tanks.  Not too shabby.

First up are 8 28mm British Landing Party figures from Brigade Games.  This brings the total number of naval crew figures to 32 and I'll need probably another 20 or so for the Historicon game.

 Unlike the previous crew figures, I removed the metal bases from each casting before applying to the base.  While it looks much better than not doing so, it's a fairly tedious project and some greenstuff was required to repair some surgical mishaps.  Still they do look a lot better.

 Next up are 29 Native Americans and one Mounted Leader.  These figures are 28mm and from the Perry AWI range and they are simply superb figures.
 For skin tone, I used a 50/50 mix go Vallejo medium flesh and rust and think the color came out really well.
 It's hard to see from the photos but I spent a good bit of time on the details and face painting.
 Because of the poor lighting, I've finally gotten around to buying a basic photo booth and light set from Amazon so hopefully you'll see a pick up in picture quality.
 Switching from Naps / War of 1812 to WW2, next up is the start of a Soviet army for Bolt Action and/or Chain of Command.  So far I've completed 40 infantry figures a 3 tanks.

 The infantry are from the Warlord Plastic Soviet box set and to be honest aren't that good.  It was one of Warlords first ww2 plastic sets and the casting wasn't all that good.  Warlord's quality has improved dramatically in some of their more current sets.

The tanks are from Trenchworx (part of their Tanks in Manchuria Kickstarter) and are simple superb models and a joy to paint.