
Thursday, January 21, 2016

AHPC VI: Epic Fail Bonus Round

 A rather silly entry in the Analogue Hobbies painting Challenge "Epic Fail" bonus round depicting a lone Dacian mercenary standing up to a Seleucid Armored War Elephant.  The submission was titled "Hold my Flagon of Mead" and describes how the modern phrase "Hold my Beer" came to have such negative connotations...

 The figures are 28mm scaled with eh Dacian from the Warlord Dacian commanders pack and the Elephant from Sergeant Major Miniatures.  This is the third Elephant I've put together an they are a lot of fun.

Sadly the outcome of the clash was predictable with the poor Dacian (named Gert) being stomped into the ground under his shield like a human nail.

That's why nothing every good follows after the phrase "hold my beer" is uttered.  Truer words have never been spoken (or, in this case, typed).