
Friday, January 22, 2016

And so it begins.....

Winter storm "Jonas" (I still can't believe they get names now) has started at 3:03 pm.  Say what you will about Jonas, he is prompt and that's a admirable quality in my books.

The forecasts are now estimate 24 to 30 inches and hinting that civilization as we know it may cease to exist.

I have successfully bolstered our wine stocks and plan on making chili for dinner.  More importantly the wood cutting I needed for the Challenge has been completed to allow construction to commence.

All-in-all, things are looking up and painting in earnest will commence shortly.

I find the local panic a school closing today BEFORE THE STORM STARTED all rather silly and a bit sad.  One of the analysts who works for me is a super smart mathematician and nice kid who called me to make sure I had filled my bath tub with water in case we run out due to the snow.  I pointed out to the young lad that if the snows really that bad there will be more than enough lying around to melt for water.  I got a resounding "ohhhh" in response.  One of the rare times that learning from old fashioned experience trumps learning from the web.


  1. Go metric .. It won't seem as bad,..

    Stay safe in the apocalypse

  2. Battern down them hatches, you're in for some snow!!

  3. Battern down them hatches, you're in for some snow!!

  4. It never ceases to amaze me how the tech savvy younger generation seem so lacking in practical skills - let's hope he knows which end of a snow shovel is which! Enjoy the painting session...

  5. Let us know here in Tradgardland and other geographical ports of call how you get on.
