
Sunday, January 24, 2016

Jonas - "He's Mr Snow Miser...."

 Well Jonas (I'm still not used to naming these things) has come and gone and after two days of snow we've got 29.25 inches - not a bad haul.  I'm still deeply disappointed in the weathers services who were forecasting a "Mammoth" storm but I've have yet to see any actual mammoths.  I feel cheated and would have been satisfied with a simple Glyptodon or a woolly rhino so I think I'm being very flexible.

 Snowfall measured at 20 inches as on 11:30am Saturday.  I have, of course, employed the highly accurate patio table snow measuring device, complete with the eyeball-o-matic estimator.

 In an emergency situation, it's important to keep calm on focus on basic needs warmth, water and food.  You can see I sprang into action to ensure we had access to the BBQ.  Rest assured dear readers that my access to charred meat stuffs has been secured.

 Just after digging my way to the BBQ I heard a strange howl and thought we had a Yeti in the yard.  Upon closer inspection of the photographic evidence I'm sad to report it was just my wife cleaning off her car.  We've been told the plows will not get to us until Monday night at the earliest (we live in the country) but my lovely and fierce wife was determine to be ready because "a patient may need her".  I was about to reply with something smart-ass about natural selection and nature's way of thinning the herd when I thought better to it.  She's a fierce advocate for her patients and while I hope you never need her services (jaw replacements and such) there are few better hands to be in.

I sent her inside and finished up the cars.

 A shot out the front door Sunday morning - just under 30 inches....
 The measurement confirmed by employing my trusty patio table - will the wonders of modern science ever cease.

A shot down the driveway - well there's a drive way there somewhere.

I don't mean to make light of the storm as some people are struggling or dealing with horrible travel issues but for us it's been a very pleasant time.  The power's stayed on, the foods been excellent (the wife made a bolognese sauce last night out of pork sausage and beef that was very good - I may have snuck a third helping when see wasn't looking) and the wine stocks are holding up.  I'm predicting a snow day for Monday!  This whole winter blizzard thing almost makes me want to be a Canadian - almost.

As for Challenge painting, I've tried to use my time productively and have been watching "Luther" on netflix while painting (it's Ok, but why do TV writers always go for the "frame-up" as a key series plot point).  What's been accomplished? oh a little of this and a little of that....


  1. These posts have been very entertaining. I fled Canada for the California drought but I do miss snow sometimes ... then I recall shoveling slush and feel much better about moving :-)

  2. Pretty from afar. I reckon that's more snow than we've had in the UK during my life time and I'm a child of the 60's

  3. Miles stay safe and warm. Charred meat, red wine, a good woman - sounds like you've got everything you need right there. Just as well there's been no hairy pachyderms come by, you'd BBQ isn't nearly big enough to grill one.
    Cheers Peter

  4. I admire a man for whom BBQing is so important he will dig his way out of a crisis.

  5. Quite an impressive amount of snow for one storm! You'd make a great Finnish man for not letting minor issues like snow keep you from grilling.

  6. Looks wonderful! But then I am sitting in mid 20's Celsius, 10.30 at night! Keep the BBQ cranked!

  7. Definitely lots of snow, but it sounds like you survived, hope you all get out today.
