
Saturday, March 12, 2016

Workbench Readied for the last push of the AHPC

My painting efficiency has declined and one of the main culprits was my very messy workbench.  So I spent a good bit of last Sunday cleaning up the area (2 full plastic garbage bags of "stuff").  I also took the time to recondition the bench top and sanded off paint spillage and the remnants of the "Great super glue spill of 2014".  Once done a quick coat of sealant and she's cleared for action as we enter the last week of the challenge!


  1. Ah yes, the cathartic cleanup always does wonders for productivity. Nice work area BTW.

  2. Most feel excellent to paint on such a well organised table. Won't hold long though, I guess ;-)

  3. Thats a really great setup Miles. I need to get myself something similar to get some regular hobby efficiencies
