
Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Sectional Terrain: The Secret to My Productivity

Yes, I must confess that I've used trained raccoons for years as terrain builders.  They are especially skilled in terrain design and placement as you can see in the picture - Rocket the Raccoon was caught working with a cutout to figure out the proper placement the ship under construction.  Terrain making seems to bring these tranquil and industrious creatures true joy.

Is the employment of trained raccoons legal?  Well probably no, but sometimes you gotta break some eggs to make an omelette....

It seems me terrain workshop was broken into buy a hungry raccoon at 3:00am the other night.  He did a good bit of damage to the long board.  Apparently he thought there was food hidden under the foam - a mistake I'm sure were guilty of at one time or another.

Despite waking at 3:00am and wandering down to the garage to see who was rummaging around my house all ended well.  Rather than shoot said offender which "technically" illegal in a residential area, I elected to open the garage door and send him on his way.


  1. Is it legal to use Raccoon labour? I imagine that if they're unionised and paid at least minimum wage you should be OK. Just remember to check their visa/work permit - you don't want to get caught out employing undocumented workers.

  2. I am suppressing Trump and Brexit comments here.....
    I hope that the damage is recoverable Miles. The downside of living close to nature is close to nature. Letting the critter scuttle home was admirable.
    Cheers, Peter

  3. lol!!!! Now that I would not have thought of ... off to trap and train some raccoons! :-)

  4. At least you dont loose games to Rocket I guess!

  5. Thankfully I live in a right to work state where such nuisances as "unions" and "workers rights" can be easily dispenses with so I can get back to the business of oppressing the masses.

    My wife felt really bad for leaving the garage door open that night. Her feelings of guilt lasted approximately 1.76 seconds and then the "Undone Honey-Do list neurons" fired off a litany of unfulfilled tasks and any thought of regret was replaced with moral indignation. I may join with the raccoons to protest our respective oppressors.
