
Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Historicon 2016 - Additional Scenery Items Completed

 My departure for Historicon is one week away - Yikes!  I'm still making progress whittling down the "to-do" list and completed all the additional scenery items I need for the game:
 You've seen the shipyard before, this will serve as the primary objective for the attacking British force in the game.
 I also added a church (rendera), an encampment, well and a corn field.
 There are also 6 new tree plates to use for woods.  These are built to be used with either 15 or 28mm minis.  The tress are removable to make transportation easier.
 I think the corn field came out nicely.  There are 28 40x40mm squares with 4 stalks each.  In the game the corn will block LOS and provide light cover for units in it.  However once a unit moves through the corn, the bases will be removed to show the troops trampling the "produce".

The corn stalks are scaled for "0-Gauge" model rail roads.  They're a tad big (1:43 scale to 1:56 for 28mm) but still do the job nicely.  I suspect this corn field will see a lot of table top service over the coming years.

 A small military encampment will serve as a secondary objective for the British.  Inside one of the tents are some "secret plans".  The tents are from Renedra and the fire pit and woodpile are from Architects of War.  (I do miss them).
The tree plates from the other side.  These 6 additional tree plates will bring my total inventory to 16 which will be sufficient for the game.


  1. Looking good Mikes. Really looking forward to seeing the whole spread on table.

  2. Looks great, Miles. I am hoping I get the chance to stop by and see it...

  3. Brilliant stuff Miles! Can't wait to see you and Mike - signed up for your first game Thursday morning :)

  4. Brilliant stuff Miles! Can't wait to see you and Mike - signed up for your first game Thursday morning :)

  5. Looking at all the wonderful prep you've put into this I gutted I won't see it in person...

  6. Thanks for the kind comments

    Ivor - welcome back!, hopefully we don't screw up too bad

    Millsy - it's just a short flight from the Antipodes - you can crash on my hotel room floor!
