
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Sad that I missed the Guns of August Convention

I am very upset that I had to miss the Guns of August convention last weekend.  My wife had cunningly scheduled her party for her  student members of the"American Women Dentists Association at out place in St Michaels.

Rather than be surrounded by gamers in a hotel convention hall, I was forced to be outside with a bunch of 20 somethings cavorting in the pool.  I think all of you can understand my disappointment at missing the con.  I actually spent most of the day either behind the BBQ (young people eat a lot! - not as much as gamers but still a lot) or on the boat taking them tubing.

It was really rough duty.  We did have a casualty in the house - one of the young ladies decided it would be a grand idea to heat up some buffalo sauce/dip in the microwave.  The only problem was the it was in a ceramic bowl that has a metal lining.  Well that microwave was 10 years old so probably needed to be replaced anyway.

I really do want to make one of the Williamsburg, VA events so hopefully can go to the Williamsburg Muster in Feb'17


  1. I can only imagine your disappointment at missing the convention.. :o)

  2. I can only imagine what a terrible ordeal this must have been for you ;)

  3. My deepest commiserations for your suffering :-)

  4. Thanks, it was a difficult day, but somehow I struggled through

  5. You should have said. I am sure one of us could have covered for you so that you could have gone to the convention!

  6. A hard choice to be sure, but we are all pleased that you chose to support dental health (and your wife - always a sound choice).
