
Monday, October 24, 2016

Another New Period/Scale.....

Hmmmm, it seems somebody has been a little too promiscuous on Kickstarter.  15mm ancients this time via the recent War and Empire kickstarter.  I picked up 2 armies - Imperial Romans and Sassanid Persians.

I do want to report the quality of the miniatures is fantastic - I'm very happy with them, although I do have a good bit of painting to do now.  If only there was an event coming up that could motivate my painting mojo.... I seem to remember something.

Those of you with better memories might recall that I've got both Imperial Roman and Dacian armies in 28mm and might wonder why I'm doing something so similar in another scale.  Well, you see, that's a funny story and ummm.....  Oh hell, I have no idea why I'm doing it but it really seemed like a good idea at the time.

Anyway, there's nothing illegal or immoral about collecting the same army in multiple scales.  I prefer to think of it as being "thorough"rather than "compulsive".  Of course, one has to concede that having the same army in four or more scales might be pushing the definition of thorough a bit to far.


  1. I believe it is called "completism". Of course, that means that you will also have to collect them in 2,3, 6, 10 and 54mm to be safe :)

  2. Looking forward to seeing some of these come off the production line. I have some castings of the new ranges and they are excellent


  3. Tamsin - I showed your comment to my wife as proof I wasn't mad. It didn't go as planned...

    Watch your back!

  4. Always nice to buy a new period...........oh you already have it in another scale? Oh well, join the club!

  5. There are many ways to justify such an indulgence. However, what is more important is that you dont need to. Its a Hobby. You wanted to. You need nothing further. I will defend to the death your right to. And hop that other will do likewise for me :-)

    What rules are you think of using?
    There seems to be a bit of a proliferation of Ancients rules at the moment

  6. I bought the Kickstarter of these but sold them when I realised that they were too small for me to be able to paint. Nice figures, though!

  7. Great to see you venturing into new territory, Miles.

  8. Great to see you venturing into new territory, Miles.
