
Tuesday, November 8, 2016

AHPC: Prep Work

I'm expanding my WW2 Western Desert collection as part of the upcoming Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge this year.  Being prep'd now are 30 28mm French Foreign Legion figures and some British LRDG vehicles - 3 jeeps and 2 trucks.  All of the miniatures are from the Perry line and are superbly sculpted and cast.

I did screw up one item - I forgot to was the vehicles to remove the mold release.  With the Perry/Blitzkrieg vehicles sometimes your paint will not adhere due to the mold release agent.  Given all the metal parts and details, I'll need to be careful in trying to do so now or have some un-intentioned "battle-damage".

This lot totals 46 figures and 5 vehicles, which traditional AHPC points totals to 305 points, or a little under 10% of last years production total - I've got a lot more figure prep to do this month!


  1. Fig prep is important but I find that after playing with them so much, stopping after undercoating is really what frustrating!

    Great idea for the force - looking forward to seeing it during the Challenge!

  2. I'm glad someone's being proactive!!

  3. Very suspicious... No mention of a spreadsheet or a statistic at all! Who are you and what have you done with Miles???

  4. Oh there's a spreadsheet, just you wait and see.....
