
Sunday, November 20, 2016

Analogue Hobbies Challenge Prep: Workbench Organized

Yesterday I was tasked by executive management to clean up my game room and hobby area in anticipation of the 20+ guests we're having for Thanksgiving Dinner*.  Surprisingly, this drastic choice was made over what I thought was a more reasonable alternative of me standing by the stairs with a shotgun muttering "make my day"

Anyway, I needed to clean up the work space in anticipating of the challenge so two birds with one stone as they say.

To be honest, I was very surprised she took the drastic option over the more reasonable "shotgun sentry" option - it's not like I would have a live round in the chamber....

* We never really know how many guests will show up - most are my wife's students and their significant others.  I always remember one of MB's sediments from China who exclaimed on seeing the turkey being served "That's a beautiful Ostrich!"


  1. That work space scares me without end... much, much to tidy to 'inspire' the genius ;-) I'm sure this'll change in no time once the challenge commences. Actually I'm quite baffled by your wife's choice too... nothing wrong with toting around with a shotgun if you ask me.

  2. That is a lovely workbench. Beautiful carpentry. Want one.

  3. Now that it's been tidied and organised, you need to re-clutter it immediately. I mean, if you don't you never know what curses may fall upon you from the gods of painting and model making :)

  4. great desk and looking forward to watching your output
