
Saturday, December 10, 2016

More Prep and an International Video Chat

 A bit more FOW Pacific has been added to the painting prep pile - Some LVTP's, an Marine Engineer Assault Section and some light AT guns.

There are even some Japans light tanks in the lower left (well the Marines need something to shoot at!)

I also participated on the Analogue Hobbies video chat this morning - Truly an international conversation with 2 people in Australia, 2 in the UK and little ole me from the US.

Paul O'G made a request that at first I was dismissive about but am now reconsidering.  He suggested making the tracking of the coveted "GIMP" award dynamic so that we can all see the ebb and flow as people battle for painting challenge immortality.

The calculations behind the GIMP award are both arcane and astonishingly complicated.  In fact they are likely beyond the grasp of you mere mortals.  Yes, it takes a mathamagician years of toiling at our trade before we can even grasp the very basics of the calculations in their terrible beauty and exquisitely painful exactness.  I worry that some of you who are not "Math-Hardened" may be driven insane by the exposure to the thinking of the gods.

That said, this year has seen very divisive level of political discourse and I think the watchword going forward should be "HUUGGGEEEE Transparency" so I am reconsidering.  What do you think, Dear readers?  Do you want to peak behind the curtain?  Can you handle the truth?


  1. Sorry to have just missed you on the chat this morning. The prep is looking very good indeed :-)

  2. Good to talk today. As for looking behind the curtain unless it's the Folie Bergere then don't do it, it always disappoints

  3. Prep looks great. As for the Gimp award, show us the progress. Or do you require approval from Putin first!

  4. Good to chat this afternoon Miles! :)

    As for HHUUGGEE GIMP transparency, I think everyone would much rather that Mr Mills was not seen out and about in see-through outfits :o ;)

  5. I'd have to agree with you there Tamsin. It did NOT go well the first time. Probably best if you don't ask why...
