
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

AHPC VII: Three Weeks In

The first three weeks of the AHPC VII are in the books.  So how am I doing?  Pretty good - I've got 1,135 points on the board and am essentially on pace with last years production.

In addition to providing statistical minutia for the painting masses, I have assumed the role of Monday's Minion - I report out on the painters who are assigned Monday as they're submission date.  Mr Curt has proven to be very Tom Sawyer like in his task inducements.

In the confusing graph to the right, the purple bar is my actuals for this year (thats why it's flat after week three).

My plan for this year is the lower Red line, which may appear conservative bit I've got some business travel coming up.  The Green and Blue lines are my weekly performance from AHPC VI and V, respectively.

Productivity will take a big hit during the last week of January and first week of February as I'll be traveling for two week straight - the first week in London and then the second week in the Turks and Caicos for my firms annual meeting.  I know that sounds very like very rough duty but I will not have access to a paint brush for 14 days!

Over the next couple of days, I'll post some pics of what I've submitted so far.  As for what's on the desk now - it's WW2 Italians in 28mm (Perry miniatures).  There may be a few Trenchworx vehicles also....


  1. Well, it appears that you have recovered from all those paint bombs exploding in your in-tray yesterday - I hope you appreciated having the dubious honour of minioning 1/8 of the total points so far in a single session :)

    You appear to be well ahead of your target for this year, although that two week break from painting might slow things down.

  2. What days are you in London Miles???

  3. Well your week 3 analysis is looking much better than my own that I recently posted! Then again, I lost the first 2 weeks due to visitors so its all a matter of perspective I guess :-)
