
Monday, April 24, 2017

Historicon 2017 PEL is Out

The Preliminary Events List (or PEL) for this summer's Historicon has been published and can be found here.

The con will be held for the last time (maybe) at the Fredericksburg VA Convention Center during July 12-16th.  I'm looking forward to going and this will be my 8th consecutive Historicon and my 7th as a Games Master.  I really look forward to the con and appreciate all the hard work the volunteers put in to make it happen.

Speaking of games, I've got six events listed in the PEL, two on each day.  The core scenario of all the games are the same - a Egyptian themed dungeon crawl using conventional (either WW2 or Current) forces.  The table will be 6x14ft and will have two levels - the ruins above ground and some catacombs below.  Still working on exactly how I'll pull that one off....

Here are the game Listings from the PEL:

DAK and Dragons Theme
World War II; 10 AM; Length: 4 hrs; Hosted by: Miles Reidy; Scale: 28mm; Rules: Donnybrook (modified); Prize: Beyond the dreams of avarice; No. of Players: 8.
It’s October, 1942 and in the remote Libyan desert strange new Egyptian ruins have been discovered via aerial reconnaissance. There’s something ominous about these ruins as it’s got both the Axis and the Allies sending teams racing to discover what lies hidden there. DAK and Dragons is THE historical simulation that answers the age old question, can a Panzer III take on a dragon? You’ll command a team of crack troops that will explore both the ruins and the catacombs under them. Sign on for fun and adventure. Kids are welcome if accompanied by a parent guardian. 

PEL#    Date/Time
T-384    Thursday July 13th at 10:00am
F-385    Friday July 14th at 10:00am
S-386    Saturday July 15th at 10:00am

SOCOM and Sorcery Theme
Modern; 3 PM; Length: 4 hrs; Hosted by: Miles Reidy; Scale: 28mm; Rules: Donnybrook (modified); Prize: Beyond the dreams of avarice; No. of Players: 8.
In the remote Afghan desert strange new Egyptian ruins have been discovered. There’s something ominous about these ruins as it’s got all sides scrambling to send units racing to discover what lies hidden there. SOCOM and Sorcery is THE historical simulation that answers the age old question, can a RPG take out a dragon? You’ll command a team of crack troops that will explore both the ruins and the catacombs under them. Sign on for fun and adventure. Kids are welcome if accompanied by a parent guardian. 

PEL#    Date/Time
T-387    Thursday July 13th at 3:00pm
F-388    Friday July 14th at 3:00 pm
S-389    Saturday July 15th at 3:00pm

We'll be using a slightly modified version of the Donnybrook ruleset.  I find them fun and intuitive and really like the dice system.  The game using a set value to accomplish an action - for example a too hit for shooting is a 6.  The dice rolled is based on troop type with recruits using a D6, regulars a D8, elites a D10 and heroes a D12 (some monsters too!).  Most models have a single hit but heroes and some monsters have four hits with each hit reducing the die the roll.  I'll add in some rules for vehicles and artillery/airstrikes.  If you haven't tried Donnybrook, I really recommend them.

If you're a serious historical miniature gamer who uses the hobby to push the understanding of military theory and practice AND have always wondered how a Panzer III would fare against a Dragon, then this game is for YOU!  It also works for anyone in the mood to have fun playing with toy soldiers in a rather whimsical setting.

Please give the games a try - last year I ran nine games that were all "sold out" so hopefully that works again this year.

1 comment:

  1. I managed a pilgrimage to Historicon last year but not this year sadly....hope it goes well🙂
