
Monday, June 26, 2017

A Nice Weekend In St Michaels

 last weekend was a spectacular one on the eastern Shore of Maryland.  Not a lot of prep for Historical got done (more about that in another post) but we did get in a good bit of gardening.  Saturday morning started with an unexpected visitor a juvenile Preying Mantis had wandered inside the house.

 I put him (her?) safely outside.  I must say I find these creatures fascinating and they are rather good at keeping the pest population down.  For whatever reason, we have had a bumper crop of these guys over the past few years.

 Turtle nests!  which means I can't put the car in the garage for the next 6 weeks.
 We're about one week away from having buckets and buckets of white figs.
 As with each year, I get excited about eating them and then get tired of them in a few weeks.
 The one on the bottom was eaten just after taking the photo.
 Obligatory garden shots - the lettuce and peppers box.
 Pepers and cakes.  This year why tried using a trellace for the cakes and it seems to be working.
Tomatoes - about 18 plants here.  I tried to stagger them with some from the nursery and some planted by seed.  hopefully we'll get a steady supply through October.
 More tomatoes, carrots and some beets.
The last of the tomatoes (I think we planted 6 varieties and some squash and beans.
The unkillable mound of mint and some raspberries to the right.  The box in the back has newly planted spinach and other leafy things.

Finally a shot of the Boss and the Eggplant box.

We still have a lot of weeding to do which occupied a good bit of Sunday.


  1. I really enjoyed seeing the garden and wildlife. Thanks for posting this.
