
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Historicon 2017: Days 2 & 3

 Friday and Saturday were very hectic days and I ran the game 7 times.  What follows is a picture dump from this games.   I had a great group of players for each outing and really had a lot of fun.

 German Recon takes a hit from a Red Dragon

 Catacombs breached!

 Get the professor!

 a group of happy players and Connor, my GM'ing mascot
 The next game saw more of the same silliness

 Gnolls were really tough (2 melee attacks per fig, 7+ armor save on a D10)

Group 2 form Friday.  This time Connor and his father got to a actually play and he won!  His Aussies grabbed the professor and got him out giving him the official title of MVP!

 Last game Friday was with Malcom and his friends - a great group of gamers who have played in my games in the past and are a real pleasure to game with.

 Happy faces

 Saturdays games started at 10am and I was dragging a little bit and rather hoarse

Italians in the caverns

 What a great group of players!

 The 3:00 Saturday game was a lot of fun and went fairly quickly.  Apparently people were talking throughout the con on what the best strategy was to win the game!
 John and son seemed to be having a great time.  John is also from Maryland and runs the 1000 ft general blog.  Super nice guy and fun to game with.

 Hmmmm, do any of you see a family resemblance?  I had 8 sets of fathers and sons play in my game over the weekend which was really neat and made me a little jealous my son couldn't attend.  Maybe next year...

 More dragon mischief.

The group from game 9 - yet another great group of players.  I forgot to take pictures of game 10 and ended Saturday exhausted but really satisfied things went well.

You may notice that in addition to a lot of father/son teams there were a large number of player who played multiple versions of the game.  I think that's a good sign that it was fun, which is what I'm aiming for and really makes all the work that goes into pulling one of these things off really worth it.

I was very fortunate to have great players for every game - that's the most important aspect of gaming success!


  1. Wow! Great looking terrain and models, Miles, but 10 games! Amazing and looks like all the players had a wonderful time.

  2. Most of the people sounded like they had fun, and that is what counts. I still would have wanted to be the scorpions. Great job!

  3. Impressive game, looks like a lot of fun & a style right up my style! How did your Egyptian terrain tiles fare in the journey? Still painting mine

  4. The really nice thing is that you've created shared memories for those father and son teams - that's not really something that can be quantified, but is beyond value. Good work!

  5. Outstanding work. All that effort you put in looks like it really paid off and everyone had a blast - well done for selflessly taking it on!
