
Monday, August 14, 2017

Garage and Basement Clean Out

We're sailing in troubled waters here in the Uber Geek's Lair - Executive Management has decreed that no new tools and/or miniature shall pass through our doors until I've cleaned out the garage and basement.  Shickingly, my lovely, yet fierce wife has the notion that a car needs to be able to fit into a garage/  ALL THE WAY IN no less.

Dark times, indeed.

Now these proclamations were delivered in the "I'm not kidding" voice which compels my obedience.

As a result, I have scheduled next week off from work, ordered a 20 foot long rubbish bin and purchased a pallet load of Aleve pain reliever.

Cleaning commences next Monday.


  1. Are you having your miniature purchases delivered to your office in the interim?

  2. She wants to put a car fully in the garage? What on earth for? Garages are for storage of tools, workbenches and junk not for sheltering motor vehicles! ;)

    Mind you, it might create more space for more tools...

  3. Madness cars never go in garages...garages are where you keep the stuff that otherwise clutters up the games room ! But I'm not telling your wife 😬

  4. Hopefully no Raccoons will be assisting in the work!

  5. A car has no place inside a garage, it is a criminal waste of space.
    But the ladies are known by the acronym of SWMBO for a reason...

  6. I agree - this whole concept of garages are made for cars is fake news concocted by the main stream media in a desperate attempt to gather ratings.

    On another point, don't you all I think I look dashing in my new tinfoil hat....

  7. I'm sure that the "car" is a unit of volume used to described the storage space of ones garage, much like medieval ships ho,dis were measured in "tones" of wine.
