
Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Star War Legions: Yee Gads!

As we toil under the lash of the ruling class, one of their most insidious enslavers is up to their old tricks again.  Yes, Fantasy Flight Games is releasing a new Star Wars game that is carefully designed to keep us all in gaming poverty as we, lemming like, hand over what few shekels remain in our pockets for their gaming largess.  Prepare for doom as Star Wars Legion makes it debut.

How dare they make such intriguing products with the ultimate licensing topic and chockfull of fun miniatures to paint, easy rules and well established player base.

The Bastards.......

I guess I can sell some more blood before the release and "technically" one only needs a single kidney to be able to play games.....

Editorial Note:
I am sure the decision to make the figures in a slightly larger scale was done not for financial gain but for play balance and aesthetic purity.


  1. Lmao.. They Fantasy Flight games are cunning people. Just when you thought your wallet was safe... POW... ;)

  2. Ive already gone with X Wing, Imperial Assault and Rebellion (somehow Armada didn't work for me). I really don't need another SW game...or do I...??

  3. I only wish they were the same size/scale as the Imperial Assault figures. Since they aren't I will probably pass on this (unless I can find it for cheap somewhere).
