
Monday, October 16, 2017

Analogue Hobbies Challenge VIII: "The Ocho"

With the start of the next Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge on the near horizon, it's high time I began to restock my lead (and plastic) pile.  I haven't painted a miniature since mid July and the "urge" is coming upon me.  Posted is a rare action shot of the snow lord himself tallying his arcane painting scoring algorithm.  Spine-tingling action photography.

Past Challenges have seen me focusing on building out the forces needed for a summer convention game but I'm still undecided on what to do for Historical 2018.  Leaning towards a redo of this year's games (DAK & Dragons and SOCOM & Sorcery) but with better terrain and more refined rules.  Then again, I may go back to the ACW as I've got two 28mm scaled ironclads just gathering dust.  But there are other options like a Pirate game using the superb Blood and Plunder minis / ships.  Ahhhh - decisions, decisions.

In any event I have made "trips" to the Empress and Perry Brothers websites and have suitable reinforcements on the way whichever way I go.

If you haven't participated in the Painting Challenge (Ivor and Mike, I'm talking to you) then I highly suggest you give it a whirl.  It's a lot of fun.  Space is limited so, if you do want to participate get your sign up in fast once the call from the great white north has gone out.

As for my participation, I'm a definite "in" but am thinking of competing more for quality than quantity this year.  In the past three years I've been shooting for the top spot in painting output which is both fun and challenging, plus there are those lucrative endorsement deals.  It can also be a bit of a grind and my painting skills have stagnated.  Knock out a 24 figure Confederate regiment in 28mm in under 6 hours with "ok" quality - I'm your guy.  Paint up a figure that can win a competition? not so much..

So I'm strongly thinking of focusing on quality this year during "The Ocho".  Of course, I may find my skills can't get any better which may allow the competitive jerk in me to still win out....


Current Stuff slated to be painted:

- Blood and Plunder Factions
     - - French
     - - Unaligned
     - - Dutch (if the kickstarted arrives in time!)

- Moderns
     - - Lots of newly ordered Empress mini's

- WW2
     - - North Africa Campaign Perry Stuff
     - - A bunch of Warlord plastic sets
     - - Maybe some 15mm stuff

     - - 4 regiments of confederates and Union to raise my total forces to 20 regiments each, cause you can never have enough.

I'm, sure I'll be adding to this list


  1. That time of year is coming quickly, isn't it!

    Looking forward to seeing where you go with all your options.

  2. Nooooooooooo, I'm not ready for winter yet!

    However I have been prepping for the challenge, focusing on SYW again. Looking forward to what rolls off the Ubergeek assembly line Miles.
    Cheers, Peter

  3. Looking forward to watching you paint up a storm!

  4. I think I'm in more for quality than quantity this year as well. The last couple of years I've looked at some of my entries and been disappointed at the rushed feel to some of them.

  5. Looking forward to whatever you do this year. I've been 'planning' all year for this AHPC and I recently bought my first batch of models. The excitement is building!

  6. Lots to think about regarding Historicon - the fact that the theme is ACW and you pretty much have everything you need already completed could make that decision tip a bit in that direction, but let me throw another wrench into the monkey seeing as you've mentioned Empress Miniatures - have you done Zulu Wars at Historicon yet? Perhaps a Rorke's Drift table could make a debut this year to the Reidy catalog of convention games :)

  7. Your competitive jerkness has worn me out twice. This year like you it's quality not quantity. I have 28mm naps to paint

  8. Keep telling yourself "quality over quantity" - we all know that once the Challenge starts you'll switch to the latter. Even so, your quality will still be up there :)

  9. My participation will be limited this year. I'll take part but I will have a very low point target. Dark Ages, World War I and probably some 18th centruy Imagination.

  10. Looking forward to the challenge this year too. This will be my seventh I think. Points,wise going for my normal achievable total near the 400 point mark.

    Will be following the prep posts with interest.


  11. @TamsinP this "quality over quantity" tack is clearly a ruse to throw people off his real intentions. He's almost certainly stocking up on sandbags as we type too...

  12. Ha ha good luck with that I will watch with interest 🙂

  13. Mr Millsy: Your lack of faith in the veracity of my statements is upsetting and hurtful. Remember that emotionally I am a delicate flower and damage easily. Despite your cruel blow, I shall strive to continue on the path of rightenous and painting equanimity.

    Funny thing, since I do live in a coastal area, the stockpiling of sandbags is a normal activity and one that I partake in as a precaution if the, ummm, wind changes....

  14. I too have started stockpiling for AHPC VIII with a Uranium Fever style pace.
    Bring on the banter, the spreadsheets and the good times!

  15. I too am looking forward to AHPC VIII and am now stockpiling lead with a Uranian Fever pitch
    Looking forward to the banter, the spreadsheets and the camaraderie!

  16. I'm looking forward to the Challenge once again.........i think?
