
Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge VIII: prep work commences

The first preparatory step for the upcoming 8th iteration of the painting challenge (which I will call the "Ocho") is to clean of my painting workbench and get the game room organized.  I spent most of Sunday afternoon cleaning up the space and getting organized.

 The initial inventory for painting.  All 28mm, with a strong influence of Pirates for Blood and Plunder.  I wonder how Curt will score the sailing ships?

The first model for the "Ocho" was assembled late Sunday afternoon - a 28mm Panzer II from Warlord.  I suspect one or two models may join it shortly.

After a 3 month break from the hobby workbench, it's good to feel the super glue on my finger tips again.


  1. If only i had tome for prep! Good luck Miles.

  2. There's nothing more motivating than a direct command for the wife to "get the crap cleaned up or else" to motivate one to find time.

    Impending doom has a way of focusing the mind....

  3. "I love the smell of superglue in the morning. It smells like...victory"

    We can expect to see a shipload of pirates from you this year then? Arrrr! :)

  4. Getting geared up myself, just painted my first units since the last challenge - you wore me out. Didn't we plan a side challenge - Cornwallis vs Washington. Are you still up for that?

  5. What a nice clean desk! I don't see a chair though, and the desk looks high - do you use a stool as opposed to an office chair?

  6. I like to see a man who gets his work area ship-shape before the Challenge starts. Looking forward to seeing your efforts as always mate.

  7. Impressively tidy almost like an Olympic event...😀

  8. Nice work area Miles. Looking forward to seeing your entries this year.

  9. Nice to see some focus being applied!
