
Sunday, November 26, 2017

Analogue Hobbies painting Challenge VIII: Weapons of Mass Pigmentation

I always break out a new set of Winsor & Newton brushes for the Challenge.  To me good brushes make a huge difference to the painting experience and I'm a big fan of  W&N Series 7's.

SO here they are - brand new brushes in sizes 0, 1, 2 & 3

The size 2 tends to be the work horse

Oh we, we happy few, we band of Pigment Warriors.


  1. Great post. I always find it interesting so see inside people's methods, tools and processes.

  2. I put some W&N No7s on my Santa list after your recommendations last year

  3. I really like them but you need to look for sales as they are, shall we say, "premium priced" Maybe they perform better over time because I really clean them well after every session (mostly because the cost so much)

    Cause / Effect?

  4. Nothing like new brushes to get ready for the Challenge. Just make sure to "break them in" before using them in anger :)

  5. I swear by my Series 7's. They are expensive but last several times longer than anything else I have bought. In the long run, they are value for money. Considering how much we spend on miniatures being mean with the cost of brushes doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

  6. It took me far too long to spring for a good brush, but now I can't bear to paint without my W&Ns. Also surprised at how large a brush I wind up using as well. I stick with a size 1, but it holds its point so well I don't have much cause to use a smaller brush.

    Looking forward to your output for the challenge!

  7. Yeah! Those brushes are the best I have ever had. Cheers
