
Thursday, December 7, 2017

Logistics for Challenge VIII

Before commencing any type of operation, it's critical to make sure sure logistics are well in hand.  That fact is especially true for long winter campaigns such as the famed "Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge" - often referred to as the Ititarod of the miniature painting in the sporting world.

Careful attention must be paid to ensure all of your required supplies are well in hand or one might be forced to go outs into the cold to visit a hobby shop to resupply - loosing valuable painting time and having to interact with other people.

I just received a vital resupply of bases from the kind people at Renedra, who are my base supplier of choice.  I even got some of those new fangled "clear" bases that seem to be the rage in more avant guard quarters of our hobby.  To be honest I think they are a bit scandalous.

An order from Firelock Games, makers of the fantastic Blood & Plunder game also arrived on the same day.  As you can see the package narrowly escaped being plundered by real pirates.  Thankfully the contents were all safe and sound but maybe Firelock is taking this Pirate thing a step to far...

Prepare! Winter is coming.....


  1. May the great Snowlord himself preserve us of having to interact with other people!

  2. I see your post office is just as bad as mine. The USPS in the last year been terrible. My packages look like some tossed them in a shredder. That least you got the package. Good luck in the challenge.

  3. The way you use the word logistics is a bit like the way I use the word binge. :)
