
Monday, February 12, 2018

AHP VIII: Blood & Plunder Pirates and Sloop

Firelock Games: "Blood & Plunder" is the new "hotness" and I've jumped in by buying a few factions and boats.  First up are 25 figures from the "Unaligned" faction which consist of 24 crewman and a captain.

One side and then..
the other
And finally the Captain.  These are 28mm scale figures but are definitely heroic in nature (on the big side).  The sculpting is fantastic and they are a joy to paint.  My only criticism is that these figures come with a cast on base which is textured like the planking of a ships deck.  The only problem is the bases are small (20mm diameter) and since cast in soft metal are rarely flat and have a difficult time keeping the figures up.

Any decent Pirate needs a cool ride and these lads Have the Sloop at their disposal.  This is a resin hull and metal detail part kit and was a lot of fun to put together
 The sails can be found as a PDF from the Firelock Games site - print out and glue the tow sides together and you're done

 The resin hull had a minor miscast just to the left of the stern gun port of the starboard side.  Rather than try to repair, I left it as battle damage.

Can't wait to get to work on my French faction