
Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Ground Cover - Which color do you prefer?

 I've been working on a "secret" terrain project for this year's Challenge.  Well, perhaps now not all that secret. given this post.  Anyway, I'm a bit stumped on the color of ground flocking.  I've got two on hand - a dark green and a light green. Both are from Scenic Express.

I can always mix the two to create a medium green.  When mixing ground covers I limit myself to either 50/50 (pictured) or 2/3's / 1/3 to make it easy to replicate.

A picture of the three contending colors on the base ground cover.  For ground texture I use a pre-mixed tiled grout that's pre-colored, in this case its a very nice earth tone.  The tile grout dries rock hard and both clings to the surface and hardens the EPS pink foam.

I'm leaning towards a the medium green with a few patches of either color.  Part of me likes the light green as I can make the boards have an early spring feel but I suppose I might tire of that over time.  Here in the Northern hemisphere spring is a really attractive concept right about now.

One of the goals for this year's challenge is that I wanted to limit myself to using mini's and terrain supplies that I have on hand so I haven't purchased anything new since Nov'17.  This has not really proven to be such of a hardship but I am a bit limited on the scenery supplies.

Which color would you pick?


  1. I prefer the blend and would use the individual dark or light in patches.

  2. I would definitely go with the mixed, medium green. It is quite attractive and allows you to create lighter and darker patches for variety

  3. I think your plan of a mixed base with the dark green in the low points of the terrain and light green patches at the high points will work well.


  4. Agreed go with the mixed one and add pathes of the light and dark one here and there.

  5. I would go with the medium it looks a better colour and will stretch out your supplies

  6. I'd go with the medium/mixture, possibly with a few patches of the two unmixed to give some variety.

  7. I'm gonna be really boring and say the mixed colour too!

  8. Thanks for all of the fast replies. After carefully parsing through the responses and factor in all the variables, I think I see a trend emerging that the mixed "mid-tone" shade seems to be the favorite.

    Thanks again
