
Saturday, June 30, 2018

Not Another Boring Historicon Prep Post....

Yes it is - sorry.  Perhaps one way to look at this is with less than two weeks to the event  there really can't be that many more of these mind numbing missives.

Todays update is the the catacombs are finished and all laid out.  There are 6 2ft x 2ft sections which make total playing area of 6 by 4 feet.  The big change from last year is the addition of a 6th Egyptian dungeon themed section - which is located in the lower left of the picture.

Last year I just didn't have enough dungeon tiles and had a cavern section (see the second picture).  It was fine for playing on but just didn't fit the theme.

The caverns kind of stand out a bit.  The movement trays are also done and that project ended up being a lot more complicated that planed.  I decided to texture the bases with sand and carefully applied pas to the tops a lightly covered in fine playground sand.  Once done I left them out to dry.  Unfortunately, I neglected to take into account both gravity and capillary action and as these trays dried overnight both glue and sand kept steadily into the sabots.  The result looked great but none of the figure bases could fit into the sabots.

The solution was as simple as it was tedious - I took a wine cork and wrapped it with 80 grit sand paper and cleaned out each sabot - uggggh.  I may have used some less than admirable language during this task which I will, of course, spare your delicate sensibilities from within this post.  One does ignore the laws of physics at ones own peril.


  1. Impressive work as always, Miles! I'm sure your game will be another success.

  2. Mind blowing. This is going to look so impressive when completed. Your players are very very lucky.

  3. There are even rumors that dinosaurs may make an appearance. These are still rumors mind you, but the implications could be staggering to history as we currently know it.

  4. Looks fantastic - well done on the mind numbing sanding, at least it's not just me that makes little mistakes like that!

  5. Very nicely done Miles. Hats off for your determination to make a excellent dungeon. Hope your feeling better these days. Happy 4th of July.
