
Wednesday, July 11, 2018

All Packed Up for Historicon 2018

 I'm all packed up to make the short drive (90 miles) to HCON in Lancaster.  This will be the first trip with my Tesla and I'm happy to say she had PLENTY of room for packing.  I've got room for a bit more in the back and haven't even used the front passenger seat or front trunk.

 There are close to 600 28mm scale minis, terrain and gaming aids all packed up for this years games.  Really looking forward to running them.

 I know, a Tesla Model X is a little on the ostentatious side but I really like her.  Like most middle aged men we do grab on to something silly - my middle age crisis involves toy soldiers and tech and, therefore, gets the approval of my wife.

I have found after 31 years of marriage that wife approval = survival in this cold, cruel world.

I hope to see you at Historicon.

By the way, the griping about the Host has already begun on the usual forums.  I'll try to give the new ownership the benefit of the doubt but will have a more informed opinion over the next 24 hours.

Go Croatia!

That last point was for Ray....


  1. Have a great time and save trip. I keep forgetting to save time to go to Histicon

  2. Hello! I’ve been enjoying your blog posts and now following. Your games look great and hope you have a fun time at the con. Looking forward to the after action report. 😀

  3. OMG... going to Historicon in a Telsa... so kewl! I'm jealous.:)
