
Tuesday, September 11, 2018

It's kind of like Terrain building....

 Executive Management decried that we needed to add more sleeping capacity to out place in St Michaels and a bunk bed was procured.  My son and I (mostly my son) spent a day putting this thing together as it came in just under 1,000,000 parts.  This unit will likely get it's first use in November when i'll be hosting another gaming event.
I'm not really a cat person but Izzy seems to like me and has taken to sleeping on my shoulders.  At least I got a free coffee refill from my wife as I pointed out if she didn't get it for me  I'd have to disturb the cat.  I'm pretty sure I can only pull that stunt off once.


  1. Grand looking bunk bed, Miles - ummm, for gamer sleep overs? Ah, is there an age-range for these? :) Anyway, hope you're feeling well, and tabby seems comforting.

  2. No cats in my house but when my daughter was a baby (many years ago!) the only way we could get her to sleep was cuddled with her head on my shoulder. I tried the "but I can't move I'll wake the baby" line once....just once. My wife was barely functioning on 2hrs sleep at the time and I remember the glare I got from her to this day!

  3. God forbid disturbing the poor moggy eh?

  4. I have three cats, two of whom--especially one of whom--MUST sit on me whenever I'm still. I don't have the doting wife to bring me coffee refills, so many a morning I'm high and dry with an empty cup and full lap, but I dare not disturb the universe.
