
Sunday, September 23, 2018

Test Subject Filing Cabinet & Contest Winners!

The secret project is a test subject filing cabinet for the wife, who is a surgeon.  When involved in research she typically keeps stuff in tidy piles in her locked office.  There are a wide variety of materials - papers, x-rays, thumb drives, preserved tissue samples, etc.  Given that variety, her neat little pile method doesn't always work well.

In reality almost all the materials outside of the samples can be stored digitally, but lets just say the Mrs hasn't fully adapted to a electronic world.

So I decided to build her a cabinet that will be lockable (need to add the doors).  There are 14 drawers that slide out which should be enough because her tests batches typically run at 10.  Each draw is 16.5 inches long x 10 inches wide x 2.5 inches high.
 In order to reduce weight and because I'm cheap, I didn't use traditional commercial drawers slides and made the simple rails you see in the second picture.
 Making 14 drawers is a bit tedious but easy if you break the process down into steps.  I'll do a separate post about that later.
There were a lot of drawers.

As for the contest, there were 8 submissions and while none were exactly right I'd have to judge Gator as being closest to correct!

Congrats Gator!

As for the random winner from the remaining 8, I listed them out in order of submission and used the wizards of the coast online dice roller for a D8:

1 William D
2 Martin C
3 Francis L
4 Carl H
5 Ray R
6 Michael M
7 Hamster C
8 Reroll (of course)

The results? - well I was a bit surprised when the Wizards of the coast decide to roll a number "5"

Congrats to Ray for winning the second dice tower.

Gator: Please let me know via a comment how to reach you by email so we can figure out how to send the tower to you.  Ray - I have your information.

The towers will be built over the next few weeks.

Congrats to the winners and thanks for all the submission!

One final note, some of you may be thinking - "wow, that design looks like it would be great to store miniatures in".  I had the same thoughts also.  So I'm building a second one - one for the wife and her horrible human experiments and one for me and the storage of my noble miniature troops.

It's a his & her set - I'm such a romantic.


  1. Very nice work and congrats to the winners.....even Ray!

  2. Nice design,I really like your corner clamps,of course Ray won!
    Best Iain

  3. Oh yes! My very own Miles creation!
    Cheers Miles!

  4. Wow, that's a great looking cabinet. Maybe the asylum will let you and the Mrs keep you matched sets in a double room!

    FYI, if your feeling generous I'd love a cabinet like that and I'm sure my better half could you one for her quilting doodads.



  5. Hooray! It looks fantastic Miles. rmacquarrie@gmail is the best email to use.

  6. Well done to the winners πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

  7. Don't blame me for Ray winning another contest (again) - it's those bastards at Wizards of the Coast!

  8. "Ray wins another giveaway" And that, folks, is why you shouldn't trust technology ;)

    Nice work on the filing unit Miles :)

  9. Excellent cabinet maker skills there Sir!
