
Wednesday, December 19, 2018


Sound the alarm, call out the guard and hide the silverware - disaster has befallen the Lair on the eve of the eve of the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge commencement.  What foul fate has been visited upon your hapless correspondent?

I have been informed by those scoundrels at Amazon that the delivery my recently ordered set of Winsor Newton Series 7 Brushes will be delayed a few days.

Shocking isn't it?  I'll give you all few moments to compose yourselves.


Ok, everyone ready?  Traditionally, I start every challenge with a new set if W&N Series 7 brushes - sizes 0, 1 and 2.  By the end of our three month painting adventure these majestic brushes provide exemplary service and then are retired to an idyllic life in the country as scenery making brushes - you know just like valiant Roman Legionnaires.

But not this year, as delivery of those precious pigment warrior armaments has been delayed until Dec 22.  Naturally, once the shock of this unjust and unfair fate has worn off, one searches for why - why did this happen to ME?  After a careful, balanced and emotionless analysis of the facts, I was able to completely exonerate myself and the placement date of my order on 12/18 - nope no error there.  Sadly, my deliberations lead to only one logical conclusion - CONSPIRACY!

It's obvious to me (as I'm sure it's also to you) that my fellow Posties Rejects who are participating in the "Postal Strike" side challenge this year have gotten together and bribed Jeff Bezos to delay my shipment.  It's really the only logical answer.

Will this foul act of treachery prove fruitful to these evil doers OR will justice and right triumph over adversity.  We will all find out over the next three months.....


  1. We all know Postie is rich (my guess is he probably robbed a bank) but I think bribing Mr Bezos may be beyond even his prodigious resources.

  2. Good whine Miles! I hope your brushes arrive soon.

    I’ve got figures for the challenge delayed by Canada Post rapitating strikes a few weeks ago. Plus my wife’s Christmas present ordered from the UK on Nov 27 with an 8 day delivery time has yet to arrive!

  3. I can definitely smell a conspiracy there Miles. I can only suggest one thing for 'Posties"............Lets loose the 'Dogs of War!!!!

  4. He,he... I buought my Series 7 (sizes 1 and 2) a few weeks ago so now I have an advantage over you (albeit temporarely)

  5. Funnily enough Postie showed me his new box of brushes last night, he said he'd got them on offer from Amazon?

  6. Ray said to us it would be Fundy, the man is a maniac!

  7. Hum so they won't arrive until one day into the challenge: not a very efficient conspiracy if you want my opinion.

  8. Well of course how else are my fellow rejects supposed to have a shot at winning!


  9. Bounders! Cads! I smell foul treachery indeed!

  10. Bounders! Cads! Treachery most foul!

  11. Always new that this cutthroat challenge would bring out the worst in people! 😀

  12. Delayed? Let the witch hunt begin!

  13. Hope your brushes arrive with nary a bristle awry! I’m still prepping. I have a lot of figures that still need priming. And I’ve finally ‘agreed’ with my Dear Sweat Wife that I should switch from the craft paints that I’ve used for a couple of decades (and Love & Know how to use) to her Christmas Gift of Warcolours paints. I wonder how long it will take for ‘her’ order to arrive from Cyprus . . . ? Oh yeah, I’m a little bit behind the eight ball but it’s the Winter Solistice and I am looking forward to painting and staying sane through the depths of Winter. Onwards Companions of the Challenge!
