
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

AHPC IX: Week 7 Progress Report

It has been brought to my attention by a few misguided souls that I haven't given any numerical updates on my progress during this year's Challenge.  To be honest, these "spreadsheet groupies" kind of scare me and they were likely those kids back in school who reminded the math teacher they forgot to assign homework.

Since I want to make everyone happy, as the Geeks Lair is certainly a big tent, here is the update through week 7.

I know its a graph of almost in decipherable complexity.  Let's break it down into it's two components.  The two bars relate to this year's Challenge, with the red bar being my plan and the blue actual progress.  As you can see, I'm slightly ahead at 1,925 points* vs a plan level of 1,617.

The lines on the graph are the points progressions of Challenges 5-8 and you can see Challenge IX is pretty much in the middle of the pack as of the approximate halfway point.

In terms of painting, the focus has been of finishing up what I need for the Historicon game this summer, which is based on 15mm Napoleonics and I'm pretty much done there.  In fact 75% of the points to date are related to this scale and period.  I suspect you'll see a bit more variety in the second half and there will be a very large "secret" terrain project.  OK, "secret" may be a bit over-blown.  Let's just say it will either be a grand success or an epic failure that I will never live down.

Progress will be a little bit more uneven as I have some business trips over the next few weeks but I'm very happy where I am so far in the Challenge.

There will still be more 15mm Nappy's in the form of an Austrian army but these are just for my personal collection so the pressure of getting them down in time for a convention game if off.  I may have gone a little mad on collecting Nappy's at this scale....

* My reported point total is slightly higher than the official one on the AHPC Blog as it contains miniatures that have been painted but not submitted yet - future bonus round entries.


  1. I like the hybridisation of planned vs actual, and comparison against other challenges, all combined onto one spreadsheet. Teach me the ways master, this one is not yet worthy!

    Safe travels mate
