
Saturday, January 26, 2019

Sail & Steam Navies: Battle of Mobile Bay

Last Monday I put on an ironclads game at the club using Sail and Steam Navies and 1/600 scale ironclads.  I thought the game went really well and I had three players, all of whom were new to S&SN as a ruleset.
The scenario was the Battle of Mobil Bay but with reduced fleets as I just don't have enough Union Screw Sloops and Frigates to flesh out all of Farragut's 18 Ship Union Fleet.   The Union Attacked with 10 ships .

It was a very bloody affair with the Union loosing four ships and having four others very badly damaged.  The Confederates eventually lost the Tennessee but Fort Morgan was still holding on.

I need to tone down my riles form Torpedos as I think they were way too powerful.

All in all, it was a grand game and I look forward to doing more.  The game has also provided me a reason to go ahead and purchase the models to do the entire Union fleet.  Its for the club, not me....


  1. Lovely vessels and the star fort is grand. Just a nice sized game.

  2. Great looking game, it looks like a lot of fun.

  3. The original Critical Hit chart is absolutely deadly. We replaced it with a test version of one that came from S&SN - it takes out most of the magazine hits. Much better. You can also use the one from Under Two Flags which is very good. Also, one real bonus to using the hit chart from Under Both Flags is that it accounts for reload times of the heavy rifles and heavy smoothbores - which S&SN only does for a few ships on the ship charts.

  4. Was wondering how you created the "seascape" the game was played on? It's very impressive-looking and I like the coloration and texture. Am I correct in guessing it's hand-made?

  5. Tom - I purchased the mats from a company called War Sigil Hobbies - here is their website

    I highly recommend them
