
Sunday, March 17, 2019

Cold Wars 2019

Cold Wars was a lot of fun.  I ran my "Sink the Tennessee" game 2x on Saturday as part of the Little Wars TV space and had a blast.  I had great players - 8 for the first game and 9 for the second, almost all of whom have played in my past convention games.  It really was a great group of people and a pleasure to GM for.  Shockingly, the game was awarded two prizes, which was very nice.  I'm pretty sure it was because of the quality of players and not the ham handed GM.

The terrain panels worked really well.  I was very pleased with the ease of transport and look at the con.  I may have found my preferred solution for sectional terrain.

I need to make more generic fields.
Both games ended with desperate fighting on the dock with the first game going to the Union as the US Marines barely held off a desperate charge by the confederate militia.
The crew from game one - we had players from all age groups and it worked exceptionally well.  If only I had the energy of the young gentlemen in the red cap.....

The second game was a bit more bloody with lots of fighting at both ends of the table.  Still the climatic point was, again, on the dock as a confederate calvary charge ran down the US Marines and engineers - clearing the docks and allowing the CSA Tennessee to escape.  Win for the Confederates!
The crew for game 2 - another great group of players who really ran the game for themselves.  I was essentially just a carnival barker, which was perfect.  I do kind of like the "gansta" look Walt is going with on the far left.  It's a good look for you Walt, keep it.

There will be a follow on post with my ramblings about the con and the inevitable comments about the Host (spoiler - the Host is well on the way to recovery).

I do want to thank my club mates at Little Wars TV for letting me set up with them - they ran some fabulous games which you'll see in the convention report video.  Looking forward to Historicon!


  1. Hi Miles, your game looked outstanding! Another one i wish i played in!

  2. Hearty congratulations on your well deserved awards Miles- looks like a cracking game!

  3. Friends,

    That game was as stunning in person as it is in these pictures. The hand-made ironclads not only are amazing show pieces, but are completely playable. Thank you Miles for taking a few minuets to show them to me. A well deserved award!

    Jim Stanton
    The Gnome Guy

  4. The game looks excellent Miles as does the terrain!

  5. congrats on the award. Excellent game table and figures

  6. That is an excellent looking game that sounds like a lot of fun!
