
Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Terrain Storm

 With Cold Wars less than 2 weeks away, terrain making has kicked into high gear here in the Lair.  I needed a simple bridge so slapped this together from some scrap balsa and bass wood.  I need to add some ramps to either end but it will do.

 There are also some simple hills being added to the inventory - the base is Expanded Polystyrene (the stuff that makes lots and lots of dust)
The hill sections are smoothed via a knife and sander (wow that created a lot of dust) and then covered with sculptamold.  Once that dries a thin layer of tile grout/PVA glue is applied for texture.

Lastly, I made some "tree plates" a few years ago (Link) but was never really happy with them.  I found them bland as you can see from the top of the picture to the left.  I've cut out some new shapes (MDF is cheap) and have been experimenting with different mixes to get a more varied forrest floor look.  Still some work to do but I already like the new stuff A LOT better.

Also experimenting with magnetizing the tree bases - that may be a bit much to complete before Cold Wars.

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