
Monday, July 1, 2019

Figs and a New Friend

 Our Figs are just starting to ripen.  That means for the next two weeks it's Fig-O-Mania at the Lair.  My Lovely wife kicked off Fig time with a wonderful Fig and Peach cobler.  it was truly spectacular.

 The past two years we've had pretty meager yields due to very late freezes impacting the development of the fruit.  This year, however, seems to be shaping up nicely,  Now I just need to protect the figs from our local wildlife.  A few weeks ago I did trap a raccoon under the tree.  After a fair trial,  justice was dealt swiftly in the form of high velocity lead posioning.  Stealing figs is not a pardonable offense.

For you animal lovers, said offender was mangy and probably had rabies as it was out in the day time.  A small service was held and words were said.

While up the ladder picking figs, I picked up a passenger - a very nice Young adult Mantis.  We have lots of these in the yard and I've always been rather fond of them.  I set him/her back on the fig tree to resume guard duty.  They are fascinating to watch while hunting - an agonizingly slow approach and then BAM! super fast lunge.

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