
Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Historicon Prep: A Mini Burnsides Bridge

 Because I don't have enough to do getting ready for Historicon, I decided to add to the list but building a "kinda" replica of Burnsides Bridge from the Battle of Antietam fame.  I just knocked it together with some scrap EPS foam.  The picture is just after the priming of a 50/50 mix of Black Paint and Matte Modge Podge.  This really hardens the EPS foam.

 There are two reasons I decided to build a new bridge.  The first is practical (if any miniature gaming need can be described as practical).  I've got a simple wooden bridge that looks good for 28mm but just doesn't cut it for 15's - especially for a big event like Historicon.
 The second reason is more sentimental.  My computer randomly puts pictures up as a screen saver and yesterday it went through a trip my son and I took to Antietam in 2005 - here's a picture of the real Burnside's Bridge from that trip.
and a picture of Sean at age 10 from the same visit.  I got a little teary eyed and decided I needed to build a bridge.  I think that's a damn good reason.

Time Until Historicon
8 Days: 10 hours: 31 minutes


  1. Bridge looks great Miles. Your final reason for building it is even beter!

  2. More than a damn good reason. Good luck with building the bridge, seems the hard part is already done. 😀

  3. Awww. A fine bridge and a wonderful reason to built it. Well done Miles.
