
Saturday, July 27, 2019

Prusa Progress: Extruder Complete and LED attached

The extruder/print head is finally done.  The instructions indicated this was the most complicate step and I can attest to the veracity of that statement.  Each individual step made sense but there were a lot of them!  I will say the instruction manual is superb.  I also recommend using the online version which has a few more pictures and toy can zoom in on them.

Next step is the assembling the heated bed and then hooking up the power unit with the electronics.

There is one GREAT LIE with Prusa 3D printer assembly.  The company includes a nice package of gummy bears that you are supposed to eat as rewards for completing certain steps.  There just aren't enough gummy bears relative to the work.  Somehow my gummy bear stash has been depleted before the uni is done.  Perhaps I should substitute beer for the remaining steps.

What could go wrong?


  1. Maybe instead of beer, you should just go out and buy a big bag of gummy bears? ;)

  2. Interesting about the PRUSA. I have purchased a CR-10 and Ender 3 from Creality. I got both up and running in 45 minutes. Both have been running continuously for three months. Just upgraded the ender 3 with the new silent control broad. The printer barely making a sound. I bought both machine for less then the Prusa. Oh no gummy bears...sadly.
