
Thursday, October 31, 2019

Happy Halloween!

 Happy Halloween everyone!  I know this is a day late but we were having internet issues given the winds here on the Chesapeake Bay.

This year we had our traditional one group of trick-o-treators (the neighbors boys).  It was just me this year manning the door as MB was on her way to Chicago to speak at a conference.  What moron schedules a professional conference on Periodontics the day after halloween?  That's just mean.

Fall has finally arrived here on the Eastern Shore, which means wonderful weather for the last few sailing days and signals the beginning of prep work for this year's version of the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge - issue #10.

I've got a rather audacious idea for this years challenge that will end in either triumph or ignominy - perhaps both!  What is it?  Well you'll just have to wait to see.....


  1. Usually at this time of the year I feel like a prisoner in my own home but after years of playing 'the miserable old Scotsman at the Post Office' I am now free to enjoy my evening how I want.

  2. We normally have a quiet night because we live at the end of a cul-de-sac. We always put up lights and an illuminated pumpkin to tempt kids down our street (we don't eat many of them, honest). We had quite a lot of knock this year, so maybe tales of the "the creepy family that lives down that street" are getting about!
