
Monday, October 21, 2019

Star Wars Legion - It's a fun game

Last Saturday we ran a rather silly Star Wars game up at the club using Fantasy Flight's "Star Wars Legion" game system.  I'll give you three guess which climatic scene from the original trilogy we re-enacted.  If you need more than one of those guesses please turn your nerd-card in to the proper authorities.

So how does a club that focuses on historical games actually put on a Star Wars themed event. By very clever lawyering for one of the members who actually is admitted to the bar (and not the fun kind of bar).  

You see, we have two factors in our favor:

1) Star Wars happened a long, long time ago
2) We are re-staging a famous battle

If that's not historical, then nothing is!

While the pricing is not cheap (I'm sure the cut our good friends at Disney take for the IP has some influence on pricing) Star Wars Legion is a really fun game and one that I enjoy playing just for the sheer silliness of it all.  The mini's are also a joy to paint.

I played on the Imperial side and the game went down to the last shot - literally.  The outcome?  I can say that the alliance fleet was destroyed above Endor as the commando raid failed (barely).  There is a plus side - no Episode one will be made!


  1. Star Wars Legion is really allot of fun. We just had a tournament at my FLGS and it was a great time. As for the pricing, it's more expensive than conventional historical wargames but so is Infinity, Warhammer AoS, 40K, WarmaHordes, etc. Plus the models are really beautiful - easy to build, paint and make look good. Hope you and the club continue to enjoy!!

  2. Miles,

    Hope all is well. Sent a handful of emails regarding your game session at Scrum Con, but haven't heard back. Thought I'd try reaching out here in case I'm somehow emailing a defunct account.

    Hope to hear from you soon! We're trying to finalize the games schedule so that we can go live with registration this week.


    --Joe Procopio
