
Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Fistful of Tows, Dice Rolling Woes and Superior Terrain

 Despite a fairly awful last few weeks, I was able to get up to the club for a game last night, which was a welcome respite.

Tony brought the troops and rules, which in this case was 6mm micro armor and the rules were the ww2 version of Fistful of Tows.  We brought the terrain which is his stunning hex based terrain using the GHQ 4" wide terrain tiles.
Despite a spectacular looking game a and good rules the dice rolling on all sides was atrocious.  I rolled 3 1's while rolling 3 D6 (1's are bad in this rule system).

The dice rolling was so bad that all parties agreed to never speak of the game again but we can still marvel at Ed's wonderful terrain.

Yeah, I think a new terrain project is in the offing for me.....


  1. Holy cow, that does look amazing!

    While one shall not mention the dice rolling *cough*, what did you think of the rules?

  2. Great looking table. I think we all have games we don't speak of

  3. So, if someone were looking to restart WWII in 6mm, would you recommend FfoT despite the performance of the dice?

  4. Ed's terrain hexes are amazing. What's also amazing is he has enough to do another table that size (6x8ft) and he's working on a full desert set.

    I really enjoyed Fistful of Tows but it was my first game so cant really recommend it - there is a review on the Little Wars tv website / YouTube channel. Here's a link:

    My current WW2 ruleset "fling" is with Battlefront, which I highly recommend

  5. Thanks for the recommendation!

    I've got few Flames of War companies (44-45 British and German) that I'm struggling to find a rule system to use with without needing to rebase. I'm halfway stuck between rebasing everything or selling it all and using the funds to get into 6mm.

  6. Give Battlefront a try - I play it with my FOW based troops and it works fine.

    Most of my club mates have large 6mm WW2 armies and they are a lot easier to both paint up and cart around. If I had it to do over again, I'd go 6mm for ww2.

  7. Love FFT3 play it regularly for Moderns. Excellent balance between playability and depth.

  8. What a superb table that is to game on
