
Monday, February 10, 2020

Jungle Terrain 2.0: 1st Test Piece

 The 1st test for my new Jungle terrain concept is done.  I'm very pleased with it.  The vines were a last minute addition.  I did two trees with vines and one without for comparison and the I think they are really worth the extra effort.  I'll be adding them to all the trees.

I still need to wash the rock (which is made of cork bark) and dull coat and wash some of the plastic plants but this is a promising method.

Some flowering tufts will be added to provide a bit of color variation - it can't always be a "green-hell".  Making jungle terrain is a lot of fun as there is a great deal of creative freedom and green is still my favorite color.
While the lightings poor, here's a comparison to my previous jungle terrain.  The new method (left) is a lot less dense plant wise and that's one purpose.  I noticed in game play with the old jungle terrain, players would treat it as impassible terrain not because of the rules but because the terrain was so dense it was hard to manipulate figures in it.  The game table essentially became a curved maze with the borders of the jungle terrain acting like the walls.  It was a classic case of form over function. 

I'll be redoing the old jungle scatter terrain to match the new concept.  It shouldn't be that hard and I'll likely end up with a lifetime supply of tiny plastic plants.  Win-Win!

I just need to figure out how to pack some of these up and send them to a certain snowlord in the great white north.

Please give me some comments on the new-style jungle.  I'll be entering "production-mode" soon.....

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