
Friday, March 6, 2020

Artillery Redoubt

I think this came out nicely with one exception - I had measured it to fit four batteries not three!  Past experience has given me zero confidence in my measuring skills so it's a good thing I decided to test fit some bases before cutting out the firing positions.

Sure enough 3 fit just fine but getting that planned 4th one in might be problematic.

I suppose I'll just need to build another Redoubt!


  1. Nice work on the redoubt and I know exactly that feeling...I built a single gun position some time ago...I even had the sensible idea of using a gun base to make sure it wa the right size...what I didn't take into account was the inaccuracy of my base creating...and it just so happened I randomly managed to pick the narrowest artillery base in my collection to use as a I have a single gun position but only one specific model will fit into it...duh!

  2. Nice work Miles. You can never have enough redoubts!
