
Monday, May 18, 2020

Holland'44 Turns 1-3: Maybe this is a Splendid Plan General Montgomery

The first three turns of the game are complete,  I'll do a walkthrough starting at Arnhem and moving to the east.  I may have gotten a few rules wrong but don't think I've made any material errors.

As the title of this post suggests, things have gone well for the Allies - so far.

Turn 1

After a successful paradrop the British 1st Airborne moved to secure the landing zones for their reinforcements (at the top) and also moved smartly onto to Arnhem.  There was one attack on the SS Kraft battalion which was forced to retreat but took no losses.  Another big success for the allies is the roll to destroy the rail bridge (just north of Arnhem) failed so they have an alternative crossing over the Rhine - at least for now.

The Germans are limited to just tactical movement this turn (2 hexes) and moved to contest the drop zone in the upper right and shore up their Arnhem defensive line in preparation for a counter attack.  The SS recon group in between Arnhem and Nijmegen decided to send one battalion to each bridge.

The 82nd Airborne was able to secured the Son bridge (upper left) and a minor crossing over the Waal Canal (center).  They also advanced a battalion into the outskirts of Nijmegen.

The German response was limited as only one battalion of the 406th activate to enter the map and was moved to support Njimegen

The 101st saw the Veghel bridge collapse into the river but did capture the adjacent railway bridge.  They also captured 2 intact bridges over the Whilehmenia Canal (just to the west of Eindhoven.

The German response was to form a line to the north and await reinforcements to launch a counter attack.  They're also moving up some Fallschirmjager battalions from the south to threaten the bridges

30 Corps had a very successful opening assault - blowing a fairly large hole in the German defenses thanks to the very nice 2 shift artillery support advantage for turn 1.  The also started repairing the northern most canal bridge.  The Irish Guards tank battalion did take a step loss in the initial assault

The Germans are attempting to fall back along the road and did place their "Traffic Jam" markers.  These increase the movement point cost to enter a road hex by 2 and likely may be more effective in delaying 30 Corps than the German troops.

Turn 2 (Night)
The British have managed to grab Arnhem bridge, in force.  Perhaps they were aided by the fact that the unknown German defending unit turned out to be zero strength.  Oh well, lets just omit that fact in the official dispatches.  1st Airborne now has 2 crossing over the Rhine and seems to be in good shape. 

The SS recon unit has moved to block the road to Nijmegen and is now considering dashing across the rail bridge to wreak havoc in the rear areas of the British.

The 82nd penetrates further into the Nijmegen outskirts but takes a step loss in doing so.  The Germans seem to have been using better explosives this turn as 3 crossings over the Waal canal go boom. 

For the Germans, 4 of the remaining 5 battalions of the 406th activate and move to contest the 82nd's landing zones and to support the defense of Nijmegen.  critically, they also get an artillery unit which will likely prove to be very helpful in supporting the garrison.  Lastly, a small mechanized unit managed to zoom up to an intact but unguarded bridge and will attempt to re-set some explosives.  Maybe the Americans should remember that once a bridge has been taken, it should be garrisoned....

The 101st sends 2 battalions towards Eindhoven and forms a defensive line to await the inevitable German counterattack.  It's not called "Hell's Highway" for nothing.

30 Corps continue to drive up the road to Eindhoven but looses another step - to a mechanized infantry unit.

The German defenders to the North of the road elect to move off-map - they will likely re-emerge to attack the 101st.

The British are also repositions some of their artillery as they moved out of range of the guns

Turn 3 (AM):
The weather for turn 3 dawns overcast - there will be no airdrops or ground support aircraft this turn.  The weather is expected to be clear for the next turn (PM)

 The 1st airborne is stretched pretty thing trying to defend both the landing zones and the bridges.  There will be no airdrops this turn but next turn 3 battalions are expected to land and those battalions will be desperately needed.  The supply head has been moved to guard the rail bridge - its a risky move but desperate times....

The Germans continue to build up strength in Arnhem
 The 82 puts more pressure on Nijmegen and now limit the garrison to just one hex.  They take another step loss doing so but it's critical to keep pressure on the bridge

Turn 3 went well for the Germans in this sector - the 406th division moved up to contest the drop zones, making any future landings rather risky.  Even better for the Germans is the charges were reset at the Mook bridge and successfully detonated as the Americans moved up.  The unit the set the charges moved off to the upper left and will use its mobility to keep the Americans guessing.

The 101 managed to get two battalions into Eindhoven but took step losses to each for doing so.  Maybe this will be a case of the Americans getting to the 30 corps first?

As for the Germans their strength continues to build to the north and now include the 2 battalions that retreated last turn.
 30 corps continues to make steady progress and there doesn't appear to be any way for the germans to prevent them linking up with the 101st.  Realizing this fact, the German units in the south begin an organized withdrawal.

Overall 3 very successful turns for the allies - I wonder how long there lucky streak will run?

Turn 4 (PM of Sept 18th)
The weather is clear and the German defenders can hear the distant drones of both of DC-3's and P-47's.....

1 comment:

  1. Good to see Johnny Frost doing so well. Fingers the British reinforcement can make a difference. Cheers Delta Coy
