
Friday, May 22, 2020

Holland'44: Turns 7-9

 Turn 7:
This turn saw a very successful drop of the Polish Airborne brigade in between Arnhem and Nijmegen.  Upon landing 1 battalion moved off towards Nijmegen while the other two launched an attack that cleared the west side of the Arnhem bridge.  The 82nd also received some desperately needed glider troop reinforcements to stem the growing German counter attack.  Advanced elements of 30 Corps reach the Son bridge

The Germans continued their attacks on the 82nds southern front and made progress while the German troops around Arnhem repositioned to drive on the railway bridge.  The Paras in the Urban hexes are just too strong to dig out before 30 Corp arrives so the battle will be won or lost at Nijmegen.

In the West 30 Crops continues to push troops toward Nijmegen but now needs to peal some off to deal with brewing German attacks on Hells Highway - where the hell did those Panthers come from?

Turn 8:
 The 82nd finally launches an attack on the german garrison at Nijmegen bridge and the both sides exchange step losses.  The US Paras also complete the encirclement of the garrison which means the only source of german reinforcements will come from Arnhem.  The Germans must break through the either the railway or Arnhem bridge soon.  A single Polish battalion moves up and will be in a supporting position for any potential river crossings.

30 Corps has reach the outskirts of Nijmegen!

The Germans continue their attacks on the airborne divisions - making slow but steady progress against the 82nd - this may cause some of 30 corps troops to be diverted which was the objective of the attack.  The German drive to the railway bridge is stymied by a very bad role - no losses and both sides are just engaged.  Time is running out.

To the west, the Germans launch a series of desperate counter attacks and the Fallschirmjaeger succeed in cutting the highway for at least one turn.

Turn 9:

In Nijmegen, a combined tank and paratrooper assault reduces the german garrison but does not eliminate them - it may take at least 2 turns to clear them.  But 30 Corps has reached Njimegen in strength.  I also realize the Poles (ok, me) made a strategic mistake by not moving to the bottom of the map to block the ferry, which the Germans are using to trickle reinforcement into Nijmegen.  As you can see in the picture the Germans are using that ferry to sneak over 88 flack units which I think the chaps in 30 Corps Shermans may struggle a bit with.

The Germans make two large attacks at Arnhem - the northern does break the British line in is very close to re-capturing the rail bridge.  The Southern attack makes no headway in the dense urban terrain of Arnhem.

A combine attack by elements of both 30 corps and the 101st push the Germans FJ's back and inflict heavy casualties - the highway is reopened.

As for the Germans, their panzer brigade finally launches its own attack but makes little progress.  The Germans may be a spent force on this section of the game board

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