
Monday, June 15, 2020

Lockdown Haircut

It had to be done.  OK, it only had to be done because my wife decreed it so.  Since she out ranks me, my only course was to follow orders.  That's right, I got a home hair cut after four months.

I'm sure that last statement disappoints a lot of my blog readers as you were are were all anticipating the debut of my silver haired man-bun.  Please direct your outrage at this artistic denial to executive management.

After procuring some hair clippers (DAMN YOU AMAZON!) and watching a you-tube video, my surgeon wife declared herself a barber and set about her task of shoring me like a sheep. 

Before we go any further, I should point out that I have developed superb hair coloring skills as I've done my wife's hair twice.  I may open a salon post lockdown, that's how good I am.

So how did it go?  Well, first off, it is very unnerving when a surgeon is cutting your hair and wondering out loud about how long it would take to suture an ear back on.  As for the haircut.  Well lets just say I have a lot of hats.....


  1. I've had 2 lockdown haircuts so far.........least said the better! As you're an expert on dying hair, may I suggest a blue rinse for yourself? It'd go with your eyes?

  2. I am getting to that stage. It is blowing into my eyes when I walk about outside!

  3. As the old joke goes...
    "What is the difference between a bad haircut and a good one?"
    "One week."

    Are you looking into doing 2mm/3mm miniatures on your 3D printer?

  4. I was able to hold out until my barber opened last week. Thank God.
