
Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Game Night at the Club: Coral Sea

Last night we play-tested a new naval game from a local game designer.  We re-fought the coral sea campaign with Chal and I commanding the Japanese and pitted against Ed and Dave commanding the allies.  While there were a few rough parts in combat resolution, the game was very fun - it  did a great job of simulating carrier operations and the searching mechanism's were easy yet fun.

As we haven't communicated the clubs thoughts about the game to the author, so I'm going to hold off any specific comments.  I think this will be a very fun game and I enjoyed helping to playtest it.

Earlier in the day the Nola campaign resumed and there will be a rather large battle in the next few weeks.

We did socially distant and wear masks while playing our games last night because it's the right thing to do.  Some club members also helpfully pointed out that my wearing of a mask actually improves my appearance so masks also have that going for them.


  1. Bloody Fabulous chaps, not much of a modern naval gamer but that looks great!

    French Wargame Holidays

  2. Interesting, I carted my WWII Naval stuff over here with me and it looks like it may go home un-played. So little time, so many games.....
