
Thursday, August 13, 2020

Office Clean Out

On Tuesday, I finally got around to cleaning out my office, which really hadn't been cleaned since the start of the year.  It's amazing how much crap one can accumulate during a pandemic.  Before you ask, there are no "before" pictures they are just too embarrassing - suffice it to say the papers covering the desk where anywhere from 12 to 18 inches deep and I really couldn't move the chair given the stuff that was "temporarily" stored on the floor.

I'd like to take credit for this amazing act of selfless organizational effort but that would be untrue.  Lets just say the CEO of the household suggested that I should, maybe, clean things up a bit.  You know, one of those offers that couldn't be refused.

I discovered a good number of hobby related items including the Gamecraft bridge kit in the lower left of the picture

In cleaning out my cabinets, I found this really useful manual from 2003.  I don't even remember owning a copy of FrontPage.  There were a lot of other useless stuff I tossed.  In fact I generated 5 large garbage bags of paper that went to the incinerator.

It's really nice to have a clean office and I have pledged to keep it clean and organized from now on.  Betting has commenced on when that last statement is proven to be untrue with the prevailing sentiment being late September of this year.


  1. Very tidy.

    We found moving 4000 miles very cathartic for clearing out copies of 20 year old software and strata of paperwork

  2. Hmmm... just had a similar experience with my Minister of War and Finance (AKA She Who Must Be Obeyed) myself. Its even worse when there's no room to swing a cat and you know they're right. On the plus side you mend your slovenly ways (thus earning the Minister's favor!) and rediscover you actually have a really nice office.

  3. Very nice. It is amazing how well your space can look when tidied up a bit. I tend to be easy going on the clutter until a certain level is reached (for instance when my children move back home). Then ready or not, the organization and cleansing begins for everyone. My gaming stuff is usually not the problem. :)

  4. I bet that your office will look like the BEFORE office within 60 days. 😄

  5. Nature abhors a vacuum cleaner.....
