
Monday, August 31, 2020

War Games, Soldiers and Strategy, Issue 110

Warning - Shameless Self Promotion Ahead.

Wargames Soldiers and Strategy Magazines Issue 110 has just been released digitally and I'm sure it will be making its way to subscriber mail boxes in due course.  WSS if my favorite Wargaming Magazine and I highly recommend it.

I particularly recommend Issue 110 as it has two articles from yours truly on the revolutionary war involving Washington's Trenton Campaign.  These represent my first attempts at writing a for a Wargaming Magazine (the editor Guy can attest to my limited writing skills).  I found the whole process a lot of fun and may have a few other projects in the wings....

In all honesty, I actually only wrote 1 of the two articles I'm credited with (The one on Assunpink Creek).  The second article on Princeton was based on research fellow club member Greg W had done for the Little Wars TV Princeton gaming video so he should get the credit for that one.

Now that I am a "Professionally Published Wargaming Author" or PPWA for short, I suspect the lucrative endorsement deals will come pouring in from the gaming conglomerates and general high end luxury firms looking to jazz up their brand images with my countenance.  I shall try to remember all of you little people as I claw my way to celebrity.


  1. Congrats on becoming a PPWA! That must be satisfying! I'll have to check out that issue :)

  2. Will look out for the articles if I can get a copy👍

  3. Great stuff Miles. I downloaded my issue today but haven’t read it yet.

  4. Maybe a spot on a future Little Wars TV The Masked Wargamer awaits. I shall read those this evening.

  5. Congrat's. I look forward to my copy arriving soon.

  6. Don't worry, Miles. If your newfound celebrity status seems to be going to your head I am sure we will all bring you back down to Earth! :)

  7. Congratulations Miles. Now get off your duff and start writing the next piece.😄

  8. I only got my copy yesterday. Day off tomorrow, so I plan on as sitting down and enjoying this.
